Other Available Regression Therapies


Neuro-linguistic programming 

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes.
Proponents of NLP assume all human action is positive. Therefore, if a plan fails or the unexpected happens, the experience is neither good nor bad—it simply presents more useful information.start-your-spiritual-journey-with-reiki-level-1-course-at-optim-holistic-therapies

Neuro-linguistic programming was developed in the 1970s at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Its primary founders are John Grinder, a linguist, and Richard Bandler, an information scientist and mathematician. Judith DeLozier and Leslie Cameron-Bandler also contributed significantly to the field, as did David Gordon and Robert Dilts.
Grinder and Bandler’s first book on NLP, Structure of Magic: A Book about Language of Therapy, was released in 1975. In this publication, they attempted to highlight certain patterns of communication that set communicators considered to be excellent apart from others. Much of the book was based on the work of Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson. It also integrated techniques and theories from other renowned mental health professionals and researchers such as Noam Chomsky, Gregory Bateson, Carlos Castaneda, and Alfred Korzybski. The result of Grinder and Bandler’s work was the development of the NLP meta model, a technique they believed could identify language patterns that reflected basic cognitive processes.This page contains at least one affiliate link for the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means GoodTherapy.org receives financial compensation if you make a purchase using an Amazon link.
Interest in NLP grew in the late 1970s, after Bandler and Grinder began marketing the approach as a tool for people to learn how others achieve success. Today, NLP is used in a wide variety of fields, including counseling, medicine, law, business, the performing arts, sports, the military, and education.

500_F_198394220_qGbM4LQdf23zSlQN7O7neRhNJKJO55WmModeling, action, and effective communication are key elements of neuro-linguistic programming. The belief is that if an individual can understand how another person accomplishes a task, the process may be copied and communicated to others so they too can accomplish the task.

Proponents of neuro-linguistic programming propose that everyone has a personal map of reality. Those who practice NLP analyze their own and other perspectives to create a systematic overview of one situation. By understanding a range of perspectives, the NLP user gains information. Advocates of this school of thought believe the senses are vital for processing available information and that the body and mind influence each other. Neuro-linguistic programming is an experiential approach. Therefore, if a person wants to understand an action, they must perform that same action to learn from the experience.
NLP practitioners believe there are natural hierarchies of learning, communication, and change. The six logical levels of change are:

Purpose and spirituality: This can be involvement in something larger than oneself, such as religion, ethics, or another system. This is the highest level of change.
Identity: Identity is the person you perceive yourself to be and includes your responsibilities and the roles you play in life.copy-of-spirit-attachments-made-with-postermywall_1

Beliefs and values: These are your personal belief system and the issues that matter to you.
Capabilities and skills: These are your abilities and what you can do.
Behaviors: Behaviors are the specific actions you perform.
Environment: Your environment is your context or setting, including any other people around you. This is the lowest level of change.
The purpose of each logical level is to organize and direct the information below it. As a result, making a change in a lower level may cause changes in a higher level. However, making a change in a higher level will also result in changes in the lower levels, according to NLP theory.

A core concept of NLP can be summarized by the saying, “The map is not the territory,” because it highlights the differences between belief and reality. It points out that each person operates within their own perspective rather than from a place of objectivity. Proponents of NLP believe everyone’s perception of the world is distorted, limited, and unique. A therapist who practices NLP must therefore understand how a person in treatment perceives their “map” and the effect this perception may have on that person’s thoughts and behavior.

Past-Life-Regression-TherapyAn individual’s map of the world is formed from data received through the senses. This information can be auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, or kinesthetic. NLP practitioners believe this information differs individually in terms of quality and importance, and that each person processes experiences using a primary representational system (PRS). For an NLP therapist to work effectively with a person in treatment, the therapist must attempt to match that individual’s PRS to use their personal map. NLP practitioners believe it is possible to access representational systems using cues, such as eye movements.

NLP therapists work with people to understand their thinking and behavioral patterns, emotional state, and aspirations. By examining a person’s map, the therapist can help them find and strengthen the skills that serve them best and assist them in developing new strategies to replace unproductive ones. This process can help individuals in therapy reach treatment goals.

Supporters of NLP claim the approach produces fast, lasting results and improves understanding of cognitive and behavioral patterns. NLP also seeks to build effective communication between conscious and unconscious mental processes to help people increase creativity and problem-solving skills. Some advocates of NLP compare the approach to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) but assert positive changes may be made with NLP in less time.

Since its creation, neuro-linguistic programming has been used to treat a wide range of issues. These include:

  • Anxiety, phobias, and panic
  • Communication issues
  • Posttraumatic stress
  • Depression
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity
  • Addiction
  • Schizophrenia
  • Obsessions and compulsions
  • Borderline personality

Hypnotherapy with Age Regression

Hypnotherapy covers many therapeutic techniques that can be:
4141) Directive; telling the subconscious what to do. Suggestion, guided imagery.
2) Interactive; listening to the subconscious, using insight to resolve issues.
A combination of techniques can be used in an integrated session plan. Age Regression is based on interactive insight techniques, that work with events in the client’s personal history, that are a cause of emotional residues, and limiting beliefs, in their subconscious mind. Age Regression allows the client to have their own realizations, to discover therapeutic resolutions and to then reinforce these with suggestions and guided imagery. Events in the past often became hard-coded because they came with a strong emotional charge at their cause. It some cases it is useful to have another strong emotional charge when you regress to the cause and fix it. Age Progression; is then used to move forward with a new way of doing and being, to gain the future benefits that are part of the client’s stated goals.
Hypnosis is pivotal to age regression because the hypnotic state makes it
possible to;
1) access long term memory that is deep in the subconscious mind, that our conscious mind does not recall. Hypermnesia – enhanced memory.
2) access inner wisdom that knows the true causative events that affect us today, that may not seem significant to the conscious mind.
A core issue in all therapies is the presenting issue and the actual issue. The client’s conscious mind brings the presenting issue, and is often incorrect. The therapist that takes the client’s representation of thegi-hypnosis-pocketwatch-56afb6713df78cf772c7be5d presenting issue literally, or generates their own conscious mind theory of the actual issue, is limiting their ability to succeed. It’s preferable to;let the subconscious mind direct you to the cause of the actual issue.
3) recall, relive, replay and resolve the past in a way that is real and effective at a subconscious level. Subconscious Tendency
4) The subconscious mind does not differentiate between something you vividly imagine and actually experience.

The Ways of Age Regression
1) Emotion; reliving events can trigger abreactions that express and release repressed emotion. Emotions themselves are a function of the subconscious mind; we may discuss past events in a conscious mind state with detachment, but emotions can start to ‘come up’, and though we apologise and consciously ‘try not’ to get ‘carried away’, we can’t stop it changing our breathing and getting ‘choked up’. We will learn how to intentionally trigger strong emotional reactions. We will learn how to manage them so they are no less than we need, and no more. We will use them 243577-1600x1030-hypnosis-therapy-teenage-girlas an ‘affect bridge’ to take us back to causative scenes from the past, and have a release of repressed emotions.
2) Insight; the scenes do not have to be traumatic or emotional. They can seem surprisingly mild or insignificant, to the therapist and to the client, but they can still be the cause of the issue. Age regression does not always require a cathartic release to be effective. The insights gained from accessing inner wisdom and discovering the true causative events can be healing in itself. Content vs Process; We do not use age regression to go through a large amount of ‘content’, and do a session every week for years. We only look to the past to be free of it and quickly moving on. We do not psychoanalyse many
past scenes. We regress to a few moments that have symbolic value. We often freeze and examine one moment in depth, instead going to many moments. We are much more interested in the ‘process’ that created a cause.
Our aim is to get the minimum of content required to fix it. It is an efficient, effective, focused approach. It is not a way to entertain ourselves as a therapist, fulfil a desire to be psychoanalyst, or to elongate the treatment. Relate the Regression to Goals; we do this during;
1) the interview process which is specifically designed to focus the client’s mind and the process only on relevant regression.hypnosis-audio
2) hypnosis, especially in the direct suggestion sections, at the beginning that sets an intention, and the end of the hypnosis, that summarizes and brings it together. We restate the insights from the regression as suggestions, so they connect explicitly with the client’s goals and outcomes, reinforcing the change.
3) the pre and post hypnotic interview. Set intentions and make explicit the connection between the experiences in the age regression and the goals of the client. Some clients are better at seeing the connection between their age regression scenes and their goals. Some clients are more insightful than others, they will get it and explain it to you. Others will require some coaching and questioning from you to give, or draw out the insights, so it clicks for them.


A life between incarnations, as a spiritual energy, in a spiritual world. Lives reincarnating into bodies in a physical world In LBL we focus on the life we have in the spiritual dimension, for the purpose of reviewing and previewing our many past, present and future lives. We have also many ‘lives between lives’, the most recent being between our past life death and present life birth.
Therapy often involves taking our client back to the cause of their issues and resolving them, by recalling events in our physical world. LBL Therapy often involves taking our client back to the causes of their coming into being, by recalling experiences in the spiritual world. LBL takes us into a spiritual world beyond the physics of space and time. It could become a philosophical, religious, intellectual, knowledge gathering or escapist exercise. But here LBL is a practical therapy that relates directly to our lives in the moment, to reduce suffering and increase wholeness. We will connect the issues of our client’s present life with the; Spiritual World Entered between past lives, and before this life. Spirit Guides Help navigate the spiritual world and your spiritual journey. Soul Groups are  Spiritual energies that incarnate with us in multiple lives. Soul Council or the Elders are wise souls who help review and select our lives.
This is a deep hypnotic process, developed over many years, designed to reconnect you with your soul self, your guiding beings and thereby awaken an understanding of your immortal identity

unnamed‘Developed over many years’ … The Newton Method of LBL Hypnotherapy is the result of more than 25 years of initial research by Michael Newton with over 7,000 of his clients – research that continues to build via TNI, the organisation he developed to continue his work
‘Designed to reconnect you with your soul self’ … each of us is so much more than the physical aspect we can see. We are a combination of the energies, experiences and learnings of countless previous lives; each life a set of contrasting experiences that embody the variety of lessons our inner, eternal self seeks to learn in its quest for development and perfection. That core, eternal self, always searching for growth and new levels of understanding, is our soul self…‘Your guiding beings’ … Michael Newton’s research enabled him to assemble a model of the spiritual realm. He documented consistent reports from thousands of clients of the existence andstart-your-spiritual-journey-with-reiki-level-1-course-at-optim-holistic-therapies incredible support offered by countless Higher Beings in the inter-life; personal guides and teachers, all ready to guide each one of us through and between each life. Wisdom and insights you can now access through LBL Hypnotherapy…

‘Awaken an understanding of your immortal identity’ … enlightenment, a more complete perception of who you really are as the sum total of your past lives, the collaboration of your soul with other souls and with its guides and teachers, and what you are learning now. A sense of the eternity of the soul…and an end to the fear of physical death…


Spirit Releasment Therapy, Psychic Energy & Entity Healing

Secular and Religious;
SRT can use secular or religious terminology, and this is determined by the belief system of the client. The therapist does not have to share a religious belief system to use it’s terminology, or for those words to be effective. We are speaking on the clients behalf. If I am working with a secular person I will use terminology of invoking The Light’ and the ‘Warrior Angels’ or ‘The Healing Angels’. If I am working with a cropped-spirit-attach-1person of Christian faith, I will invoke the name of Jesus Christ, and ‘Archangel Michael’ (the warrior) of ‘Archangel Raphael’ (the healer.)
Some people require some form of scientific validation before they can have faith in something. The nature of SRT, and the nature of science, means SRT is not, and may never be, scientifically verified – it’s probably more important to acknowledge this than try to create a stretched ‘verification’. SRT is based on one hundred years of case studies. These are acknowledged as anecdotal, yet they show a remarkably common pattern of action, response and positive effect. We do whatever works and get on with the core therapy.
There is much more that could be said about the metaphysics behind spirits. As an individual we may have our own additional beliefs, that explain some the the mechanics or details of spiritual dimensions. As a teacher, I’ll stick to presenting the core model, that can be generally agreed upon as the required base understanding. As therapists, our main concern is simply efficiently delivering an effective therapeutic result for our clients.
In therapy, we often go beyond the conscious mind to speak with the subconscious mind of our client. In therapy, we sometimes go beyond the subconscious mind, to speak with the ‘higher self’ of the client, that can be called the ‘spirit’, ‘soul’ or ‘consciousness that reincarnates’. We can see humans as a spiritual being with a physical body. In therapy, we can go possibly beyond the client’s haunting_spirit-attachments_OMTimes_bigstock-Man-with-conceptual-spiritual-85387310higher self too, to communicate with other spirits, that are attached to our client. SRT focuses on spirits we release, which is relatively unusual reality in therapy. Yet the spiritual nature of humans and the universe is an assumed base reality. For the purposes of SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy), the model we use is;  Base Human Reality One physical body with one spirit attached.
SRT Issue One physical body with multiple spirits attached.
The one to one matching of one body and one spirit is part of the system we take for granted as ourselves. The issue is not that ‘a spirit has attached’, but that ‘an additional spirit has attached’. During this course, I will refer to the ‘spirit’ of the client as the ‘Higher Self’. Additional spirits attachments have unhelpful consequences, so that human will not be at ease. They are a violation of a base human right to have sole spiritual domain over our human body, so we have the moral authority and the right to release the extra spirits. SRT is a technique to resolve a spiritual dis-ease, and
return to the base human reality. Spirits are not external to our reality. They are a part of out base human reality. We can learn the nuances to function effectively within that reality.
Types of Spirits
Spirits come in many types, on a spectrum from helpful to unhelpful. For the purpose of this course we will focus on the five types of spiritual entities that we encounter in a therapeutic context. There are two 4608452092types are types of spirits that do not require SRT;
1) The Client’s Higher Self and
2) The Client’s Spirit Guides.
There are three types of spirits that do require SRT.
1) Earthbound Spirits EBs,
2) Dark Force Entities DFEs,
3) Extraterrestrials ETs.

It is important to understand the distinctions between spirits, so you knowwhen to apply SRT, and which technique to apply, because each type of spirit requires a different technique of communication and releasement.

Hypnosis for Spiritual Awareness and Healers

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can enhance the healing sessions we give to our clients, or enhance your own spiritual awakening. It’s hypnosis “for Spiritual Awakening & Healers”, because a spiritual awakening can create issues that require healing, and lead to becoming a healer.
new-regression-therapy-what-is-it-and-can-it-help-you-1This is a good regression therapy to take if you are on the Spiritual path and would like to find out why you are drawn down a particular path or conform to a certain religion or sect. Also if you are currently experiencing blocks and finding that you are reaching a certain point but unable to go further it could explain why and resolve and remove that block.
This course also gives you a chance to connect with your spirit guides to help not just find out who they are but to help resolve any issues, blocks or difficulties you may have been experiencing, they can accompany and regress you to a certain point along your timeline where you nay have felt compelled to take a certain path, which may intrigue you and  leave you wanting to go in further and deeper, which could lead you into wanting to explore and go further back in time in to your past lives so a PLRT session would be required (read PLRT section of the website) to discover what your role was in a past life, maybe you was a spiritual teacher, a monk, a medicine man, or a prophet, perhaps you was a priest and had to conform to a certain religion which you found frustrating, to be honest the possibilities are unlimited and by taking this therapy session it could bring you to a certain understanding of why you resonate with a certain path, therefore gaining insight, inner wisdom and guidance that may very well propel you forward on a voyage of self discovery to help yourself and others in unexpected  healing ways.

Hypnosis For Spiritual Awakening & Healers. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can enhance the healing sessions you give to your clients, or enhance your own spiritual awakening. It’s hypnosis “for Spiritual Awakening & Healers”, because a spiritual awakening can create issues that require healing, and lead to becoming a healer.

This is for you if;
You are a holistic energy healer, spiritual coach, psychic, or therapist, and you want to learn about hypnosis and how you can implement it with your clients.  You want to use it personally, to help yourself through spiritual awakening. Regressing to spiritual strength can be an antidote to moments of weakness. Regressing to the past can enhance meditation, spiritual development or psychic development by reconnecting with previous abilities. Hypnosis opens the door to the subconscious mind, and the superconscious mind.

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