
 Regression Therapies

Here at North Wales Therapy our priority is you and helping you reach your full potential so you can get the best out of your life, whether that be Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally or Mentally that’s why we offer various therapies because what works for one individual doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for another. Below is a list of some of the different therapies we offer and if your not sure then we’d be more than happy to bring you in for a free 1 hour 1-2-1 consultation to discuss what may work best for you

Available Regression Therapies

  • PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy)
  • HSAH (Hypnosis for Spiritual Awareness & Healers
  • SRT     (Spirit Releasment Therapy, Psychic Energy & Entity Healing)
  • BLRT   (Between Lives Regression Therapy
  • NLP     (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
  • HAR     (Hypnotherapy with Age Regression)
  • CH        (Clinical Hypnosis)


Introduction to Regression Therapies

Do you ever get the feeling that something in your past is holding you back from living the life you want in the present? Perhaps it’s something you can’t remember, but you strongly feel that it’s hidden somewhere in your mind? If so, regression therapy might make sense for you. You might be wondering how therapy can help you get in touch with a part of your life that seems lost in your memory. And if you do get in touch with that earlier time, what can you do about it now? Getting the facts about this or any therapy first is the best way to decide whether to pursue it. Regression therapy is dedicated to uncovering things from your past that may be contributing to your current mental state or harmful habits. There are two types of regression therapy: age regression therapy and past life regression therapy. The first type is designed to target things that may have happened during your childhood, and the second type is to help you resolve issues from your past lives (although it is often used in a more metaphorical capacity). We will review these two therapies in detail later in this article. Regression therapy comes with its own controversies, and some people may be hesitant to try it. That said, if you believe in some of the concepts behind this type of therapy, you should know that there have also been cases where people have experienced positive results.

What Is Regression Therapy?
Regression therapy is a specific approach to psychotherapy that helps people improve their emotional and cognitive health by resolving past events..

Problems Addressed In Regression Therapy
When a therapist regresses you to an earlier time or a previous life, their goal is to help you resolve your problems in the present. They use regression techniques to find and resolve your feelings about past situations, so you can feel better about your current situation. these past feelings may cause you to feel and behave in ways that don’t make sense in the present moment. For example, these feelings and behaviors from the past might cause you:

  • To have fears and phobias without knowing why,
  • To feel guilty for no easily understood reason
  • To have difficulty being intimate
  • To have a variety of relationship issues
  • To suffer from mental disorders


The Use of Hypnosis
Although there are many ways to conduct regression therapy, hypnosis is the most common method. (Psychoanalysts often use hypnosis as well.) In regression therapy, hypnosis puts you in a relaxed state that allows you to access and evaluate memories that you usually aren’t aware of or that you have forgotten or repressed

Types of Regression Therapy
Age regression therapy takes you back to an earlier time in your life. Alternatively, past life regression therapy goes back beyond your current life and into previous reincarnations.

What Is Age Regression Therapy?
In age regression therapy, you might learn about things that happened to you when you were very young. In some cases, this therapy may uncover memories that surprise you because you were not aware of them. The goal is not just to re-experience the memory, but also to bring it to your conscious mind where you can deal with it intentionally. Regression theory assumes that, by processing these memories and the emotions surrounding them, you free yourself to feel different about similar experiences now.
What Is Past Life Regression Therapy?
Past life regression is supposed to take you back to past incarnations, so you can deal with problems that arose long before your current lifetime. Many people feel this therapy makes sense for them because there appears to be no reason why they’re living with fears, guilt, or other difficulties. They may also hold certain spiritual beliefs that allow them to benefit from this form of regression therapy.

How Regression Therapy Works
There are several stages to regression therapy, beginning with hypnosis.. Relaxation is the first part of the hypnosis phase. The therapist talks to you slowly and gently, guiding you through a systematic process to relax your body and mind. Visualization. Next, you move on to the visualization stage of hypnosis. Instead of asking if you see a particular thing or feel a certain way, the therapist is careful to ask open-ended questions. These types of questions allow you to talk about whatever you recall, even if it’s something the therapist doesn’t know. As you see a memory in your mind’s eye, you might feel the way you did when it first happened. You might also feel compassion for the younger person you were when the event occurred. If what you’re remembering is an incident of abuse or violence, you may become upset and agitated. Before the therapist guides you back  to awareness of your surroundings, they’ll help your younger self deal with the problem.

Consciously Examining Memory.
Once you explore and re-experience the situation, the therapist will help you transfer that knowledge to your conscious mind. They may tell you about what happened, or they may offer you a recording of the session. Once you’re aware of the memory you discovered, your therapist will help you begin to put it in perspective. After rediscovering a memory, it’s important for you to understand why it matters to you. How has it affected your life? Now that you remember it, how do you feel about yourself, those involved in the event, and the world in general? What have you learned?

Learning from the New Information.
If you’ve recently recovered a memory, you can use it to understand yourself better. You might also know more about other people in your life. Your therapist can help you apply this new information to current feelings, conflicts, and behaviors.

Controversial Aspects of Regression Therapy
While some people say they’ve benefited greatly from age regression and past life regression, this type of therapy still hasn’t gained widespread acceptance in the mental health community. Some therapists believe in the benefits of age regression, but they don’t believe in reincarnation, so past lives don’t make sense to them either. The two main aspects of regression therapy that have caused the most controversy are the lack of evidence for its effectiveness and the possibility of creating false memories. Furthermore, many therapists avoid regression therapy because they’re concerned it might be a waste of time. They feel it’s more effective to spend time on therapies that have been proven to work in many scientific studies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. At the moment, there’s little research to confirm the effectiveness of regression therapy, but many people say there’s proof in the dramatic results they’ve experienced.
If the therapist isn’t careful to ask only open-ended questions, they may inadvertently cause you to imagine something that never happened. Opponents of regression therapy point out that these false memories can become indistinguishable from memories of events that did happen. They also say that these false memories can destroy relationships or even cause parents and caregivers to be punished for abuse that never happened.

Is It Safe to Do Age Regression and Past Life Progression on Your Own?
It may or may not be possible to do regression therapy on yourself through self-hypnosis. The real question is-is it safe? After all, what happens if you remember something, and you don’t know how to deal with it? You may put yourself in a situation that causes you considerable emotional pain with no way out on your own. To be as safe as possible, it’s best to work with a licensed therapist

Some Ways Regression Therapy Can Assist You.



  • Weight Loss
  • Healing Injuries or Illness
  • Syndromes
  • Chronic Pains
  • Birthmarks



  • Fears, Phobias & Aversions
  • Negativity & Anxiety
  • Mental Blocks
  • Obsession, Compulsion
  • Déjà Vu, Intuitions, Dreams



  • Family, Friends or Rivals
  • Soulmates, Conflicts, Breakups
  • Significant Life Changes
  • Depression, Loss and Grieving
  • Career Crossroads
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